v2 is here, now with added colours! This time using the RAG Numbers widget to display your date countdown - as you get nearer the date the number will change from green to amber then red.
The new url is: http://geckocountdown.appspot.com/rag/?date=2010-12-25&tz=0&msg=Days+to+Xmas!
Note 1: notice the new /rag/ path and the msg querystring param.
Note 2: the original v1 url still works
To use this on your Geckoboard add a new "Custom Widget/RAG Numbers" widget. By default the number will turn amber at 10 or less days to go and red at 3 or less days to go however you can change these with the querystring (see below).
Required querystring params
Optional querystring params
The new url is: http://geckocountdown.appspot.com/rag/?date=2010-12-25&tz=0&msg=Days+to+Xmas!
Note 1: notice the new /rag/ path and the msg querystring param.
Note 2: the original v1 url still works
To use this on your Geckoboard add a new "Custom Widget/RAG Numbers" widget. By default the number will turn amber at 10 or less days to go and red at 3 or less days to go however you can change these with the querystring (see below).
Required querystring params
- date: "yyyy-mm-dd" format, this is the target date to countdown to
- tz: timezone offset in hours from GMT that you are in. Can be negative if you are behind GMT
Optional querystring params
- msg: the label that appears next to the number of days (remember to encode spaces as +). The default is "Days Remaining" if you do not specify this on the querystring.
- red: the number of days remaining that the number should be shown as red (default is 3).
- amber: the number of days remaining that the number should be shown as amber (default is 10).
I tried following the instructions that you outlined here but I get a widget error - does this still work? Here is a screen shot of my setup - anything off: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s8/sh/e53f3cd2-4d77-49b8-be6e-0766c739f8e8/918a23adce0f20f7336a2971cb4bc6eb/deep/0/Testing.png