Ok, so a week on and I've added a couple of new features to MonitorWang.
The big one is support for LogParser based checks (I kicked the idea about here). You can interop into the LogParser COM object so I wrapped this with a bunch of checks - this means that you can write any LogParser query to count something (eg: IIS 404's, RSS feed mentioning a term, Eventlog errors) and have the result sent back (eg: 0 rows = failure, > 0 = success; this can also be reversed).
This was a very quick win and dramatically increases the power of MonitorWang - may favourite check whilst testing this out was this query to the XML LogParser check....(MonitorWang automatically adds the SELECT COUNT(*) bit)...
[SELECT COUNT(*)] FROM http://jimblogdog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default WHERE title2 LIKE '%monitorwang%'
Yup - this check will fail until I blog something with MonitorWang in the title (too late!)...but how cool is that? If you aren't familiar with LogParser and you scan log files, eventlogs, IIS/firewall logs this is the tool for you...and combined with MonitorWang you can automate your alerts!