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That's DataWang...(Google Sets API)

Inspired by Mitchell & Webbs "NumberWang" I have created "DataWang"....

"DataWang is a .Net library that can generate useful, realistic data for use in the development/mocks/testing process.

Based on Google Sets, this library provides a .Net API over the Set functionality (by making http calls and parsing the html response). Google Sets currently does not expose a programmatic API - DataWang provides you with programmatic access to this API!

DataWang is a completely extensible framework for mock data generation. It is fully interface driven and all components are dependency injectable. You can provide your own implementations for any of the component interfaces should you wish to extend or modify its behaviour.

Google Sets often cannot generate the data you require - so DataWang will manufacture a list based on the results of making multiple Google Set calls - email addresses is a good example (a first name call + "@" + a domain name call). DataWang exposes these named sets as "Providers" and comes preloaded with several including, firstname, surname, email address and fullname and these can be extended to provide any custom data you want to randomly generate.

The final feature of DataWang is that it can automatically create lists of your custom entities that have their properties automagically set to random data values. All that is required is to add a "DataWangType" attribute to any class property to mark the category of data it should hold (eg: emailaddress). DataWang will then create a list of your custom entites with these properties set to random, meaningful values!"

Add a reference to DataWang.Core and then enter on the static "DataWang"...

Happy DataWanging....


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