So as you may know I've started a personal project that I hope to turn commercial one day and I'm using Unfuddle to do the "project/development management" which includes a SVN repository. I've got CruiseControl.Net setup to CI my code and it all works gloriously well but I was chatting to Glyn the bloke that put me onto Unfuddle and he mentioned that Unfuddle has a repository callback feature - rather than have CC.Net ping my Unfuddle SVN every 30 seconds to detect if a commit has occurred Unfuddle will POST details of the latest commit to the url you register as your callback - a much more efficient Pub/Sub approach. Ok - so how to get a callback to trigger a CC.Net build? Easy! Attempt 1 I Fiddlered the url that the CC.Net webdashboard calls when you press the "Force Build" button on a project - it looks like this, http://[ yourserver ]/ccnet/server/local/project/[ yourproject ]/ViewProjectReport.aspx?ForceBuild=Force I entered this into the...
Random thoughts on software development & the interweb, home automation, media centres & gadgets and other interesting stuff...well interesting to me anyway