Update 10-Jan-2008: I have added a link to a full trace log to one of our service calls to demonstrate the type and quality of information you should be logging... One of the biggest areas for improvement in software development is debugging - or put another way, reducing the time to understand and fix bugs - lets call this Time To Fix (TTF). Reducing TTF has some benefits directly related to "Business Agility"- more bugs can be tackled and fixed in a given period or a set threshold (severity) of bugs can be fixed in a shorter time. Rather nicely the means to improve TTF actually reduces the number of bugs being produced over time - we'll cover how this works later on. Objective Drawing on my "Business Agility through Component Software" concept and from hands on development these past ~three years I have experienced first hand how inefficient bug fixing can be and how enormous time savings can be made with a better approach to designing and implementing your s...
Random thoughts on software development & the interweb, home automation, media centres & gadgets and other interesting stuff...well interesting to me anyway