Couple of things caught my eye in a recent tranche of posts from Gizmodo , USB Touch Screen I've been looking at Tablet PC's & graphics tablets for a while now...I think that being able to sketch something by hand, a screen layout for example is a real time saver (check out EasyPrototype for cool app that takes this even further) - I don't want to boot up Visio and mess about, neither do I want it pixel perfect. I think that touch screen monitors for desktops will be mainstream in the future with big chunky interfaces for fingertip control - think Media Centre "10 foot experience". Right now (armed with this reminder of Windows keyboard shortcuts) my mouse is not getting a lot of action that for sure! This "wrap over" touch screen looks pretty good and I'm really keen to get one...however I can think of a few problems with it, * Price - no mention yet * Distortion of the underlying screen - I don't want to sacrifice any clarity for the sake...